
Frontiers of the Roman Empire

  • イギリス/ドイツ
  • 登録年:1987年、2005年重大な変更、2008年重大な変更
  • 登録基準:文化遺産(ii)(iii)(iv)
  • 資産面積:526.9ha
  • バッファー・ゾーン:5,225.7ha
世界遺産「ローマ帝国の国境線」、ハドリアヌスの長城の一部をなすヴィンドランダ遺跡。ケルト時代からの要衝で、85年頃からローマ軍のカストルム(軍事拠点)となった。数々の遺構だけでなく、当時の様子を記した木簡=ヴィンドランダ・タブレットを筆頭に、ローマ時代の武具や宝飾品・硬貨などさまざまな遺物が出土している (C) Mike Bishop
世界遺産「ローマ帝国の国境線」、アントニヌスの長城の溝跡 (C) PaulT (Gunther Tschuch)







アントニヌスの長城は皇帝アントニヌス・ピウスによって築かれたもので、ハドリアヌスの長城の北170kmほどに建設された。フォース川からクライド川まで全長約60kmで、142~144年のわずか2年で建設されたが、多くは石垣というより高さ3~4mほどの土塁だ。並行して幅7.5〜12.0m・深さ3.6 mほどの堀が掘られ、一定間隔で砦や望楼・駐屯所が設置された。砦はまず城壁と同時かそれ以前に13kmごと6基が築かれ、間隔を平均3.6kmに短縮して11基が追加された。これらの砦は石か土の城壁を持っていた。ラフ城やバーヒル砦、ベアズデン砦など、築かれた17基のうち16基は現存している。壁に沿って6か所の駐屯所が築かれたが、これらはいずれも地上に跡はない。長城はスコットランド遠征の拠点として築かれたが、遠征に失敗して164年に放棄され、国境は20年ほどでハドリアヌスの長城へ戻された。







  1. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 5, sections of wall in playing field of Rutherford School(イギリス)
  2. Hadrian's Wall vallum in wall mile 6, Benwell length of vallum of Hadrian's Wall in grounds of St Cuthbert's School(イギリス)
  3. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 6, Condercum Roman fort, Benwell(イギリス)
  4. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 7, Benwell length of vallum of Hadrian's Wall in the grounds of Benwell Hill Cricket Club(イギリス)
  5. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 7, Scotswood section of Hadrian's Wall in the grounds of Benwell Hill Cricket Club(イギリス)
  6. Hadrian's Wall and vallum in wall mile 7, Scotswood section from Denton Road to Denton Dene(イギリス)
  7. Hadrian's Wall and vallum in wall mile 7, Denton section of Hadrian's Wall, Denton Turret and Hadrian's Wall at West Denton(イギリス)
  8. Hadrian's Wall and vallum in wall mile 7, Scotswood section of vallum 75m long at Denton Dene(イギリス)
  9. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 7, Scotswood section of Hadrian's Wall in garden of West Road Methodist Chapel(イギリス)
  10. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 0, section between Eastfield Avenue and Tumulus Avenue(イギリス)
  11. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 1, three sections between Stotts Road and Vauxhall Road(イギリス)
  12. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 2, Byker section of Hadrian's Wall and presumed site of milecastle 3 at Shields Road West(イギリス)
  13. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 2, Walker section of Hadrian's Wall under the forecourt of the Fosse public house(イギリス)
  14. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 2, Walker section of Hadrian's Wall 171m long across Millers Dene playing field(イギリス)
  15. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 2, Walker section of Hadrian's Wall near the junction of Fossway and Shields Road(イギリス)
  16. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 4, sections of wall between Crawhall Road and Jubilee Road(イギリス)
  17. Roman aqueduct to Great Chesters from the Cawburn(イギリス)
  18. Hadrian's Wall and vallum in wall mile 8 from Denton to Blucher(イギリス)
  19. Hadrian's Wall and vallum in wall mile 9, Blucher to Dene House(イギリス)
  20. Hadrian's Wall and vallum in wall mile 10 from Dene House to Throckley Bank Top(イギリス)
  21. Roman fort, South Shields(イギリス)
  22. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 0, Wallsend Roman fort, Segedunum(イギリス)
  23. Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 0, two sections of Hadrian's Wall between Sharpe Road and The Avenue(イギリス)
  24. Red House Roman camp(イギリス)
  25. Roman camp, 290m north west of Seldom Seen(イギリス)
  26. Corbridge (Corstopitum) Roman station(イギリス)
  27. Roman fort and watch tower, 800m SSW of Amberfield(イギリス)
  28. Cardurnock milefortlet (Mf 5)(イギリス)
  29. The Stangate at Crosby Lodge(イギリス)
  30. Burrow Walls Roman fort(イギリス)
  31. Beckfoot Roman fort(イギリス)
  32. Roman fortlet 40m SSW of Castle Fields(イギリス)
  33. Parton Roman fort(イギリス)
  34. Cardurnock Marsh turret 4a(イギリス)
  35. Pasture House turret 3a(イギリス)
  36. Hadrian's Wall and vallum in wall mile 66, Stanwix Bank to Stainton(イギリス)
  37. Ravenglass Roman fort bath-house, also known as Walls Castle(イギリス)
  38. Willowford Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  39. Watchclose Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  40. Throp Roman fortlet(イギリス)
  41. Nowtler Hill 1 Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  42. Nowtler Hill 2 Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  43. Boomby Lane 1 and 2 Roman temporary camps(イギリス)
  44. Hadrian's Wall and vallum from Throckley to East Town House, Heddon-on-the-Wall in wall mile 11(イギリス)
  45. Hadrian's Wall and vallum from East Town House, Heddon-on-the-Wall to the A69 trunk road in wall mile 12(イギリス)
  46. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the March Burn and Oatens Bank, Harlow Hill in wall miles 13,14 and 15(イギリス)
  47. Hadrian's Wall from Oatens Bank, Harlow Hill, to Whittle Dene Watercourse in wall mile 16(イギリス)
  48. The vallum between Oatens Bank, Harlow Hill, and Whittle Dene Watercourse in wall mile 16(イギリス)
  49. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the B6309 and the B6321 in wall miles 16, 17 and 18(イギリス)
  50. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between Sunnybrae at Halton Shields and Haltonchesters Roman fort in wall miles 20 and 21(イギリス)
  51. Haltonchesters Roman fort, settlement & Hadrian's Wall & vallum between the field boundary east of Haltonchesters fort & the Fence Burn in wall mile 2(イギリス)
  52. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the Fence Burn and the track to Portgate Cottage in wall miles 21 and 22(イギリス)
  53. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the track to Portgate Cottage and the field boundary east of milecastle 24 in wall miles 22 and 23(イギリス)
  54. Haltwhistle Burn 4 Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  55. Milestone House Roman temporary camp and section of the Stanegate Roman road(イギリス)
  56. Markham Cottage Roman temporary camps 1 and 2, a section of the Stanegate Roman road, a length of Roman road and two Roman cemeteries(イギリス)
  57. Lees Hall Roman camp(イギリス)
  58. Walwick Fell Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  59. Brown Dikes Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  60. Coesike East Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  61. Coesike West Roman temporary camps 1 and 2(イギリス)
  62. Grindon School Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  63. Seatsides 1 Roman temporary camp and section of the Stanegate Roman road from the west side of the road from Once Brewed to the south side of the B631(イギリス)
  64. Seatsides 2 Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  65. Bean Burn 1 Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  66. Bean Burn 2 Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  67. Chesters Pike Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  68. Haltwhistle Burn 1 Roman temporary camp, fortlet and section of the Stanegate(イギリス)
  69. Haltwhistle Burn Roman temporary camps 2 and 3 and area of cord rig cultivation(イギリス)
  70. Sunny Rigg 1 Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  71. Sunny Rigg 2 Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  72. Sunny Rigg 3 Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  73. Fell End Roman temporary camp and section of the Stanegate Roman road(イギリス)
  74. Chapel Rigg Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  75. Crooks Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  76. The section of Stanegate Roman road from Fell End Roman temporary camp to the track to Old Shield, and the Roman cemetery adjacent to Carvoran Roman f(イギリス)
  77. Moss Side 1 and 2 Roman temporary camps(イギリス)
  78. Hadrian's Wall & vallum between field boundary east of milecastle 24 & field boundary west of the site of turret 25b in wall miles 24-25(イギリス)
  79. The Roman fort, vicus, bridge abutments and associated remains of Hadrian's Wall at Chesters in wall mile 27(イギリス)
  80. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between Chesters and the road to Simonburn in wall miles 27, 28 and 29(イギリス)
  81. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the road to Simonburn and the field boundary east of Carrawburgh car park in wall miles 29, 30 and 31(イギリス)
  82. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the field boundary west of Coventina's Well and the field boundary at Brown Dikes in wall miles 31 and 32(イギリス)
  83. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the field boundary at Brown Dikes and the field boundary east of turret 34a in wall miles 32, 33 and 34(イギリス)
  84. Hadrian's Wall and associated features between the boundary east of turret 34a and the field boundary west of milecastle 36 in wall miles 34, 35 and 3(イギリス)
  85. The vallum and early Roman road between the field boundary east of turret 34a and the field boundary west of milecastle 36 in wall miles 34, 35 and 36(イギリス)
  86. Hadrian's Wall and associated features between the field boundary west of turret 37a and the road to Steel Rigg car park in wall miles 37, 38 and 39(イギリス)
  87. The vallum and a British settlement between the field boundary west of turret 37a & the road to Steel Rigg car park, in wall miles 37, 38 & 39(イギリス)
  88. Hadrian's Wall, associated features & a Romano-British settlement between the road to Steel Rigg car park & the road through Caw Gap in wall miles 39(イギリス)
  89. The vallum between the road to Steel Rigg car park and the road in Caw Gap in wall miles 39, 40 and 41(イギリス)
  90. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the road to Caw Gap and the Caw Burn in wall miles 41 and 42(イギリス)
  91. Great Chesters Roman fort and Hadrian's Wall between the Caw Burn and the track to Cockmount Hill farm in wall miles 42 and 43(イギリス)
  92. Hadrian's Wall between Walltown Quarry East and Walltown Quarry West in wall mile 45(イギリス)
  93. The vallum between Cockmount Hill and Walltown Quarry West in wall miles 43, 44 and 45(イギリス)
  94. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between Baron's Dike and Birky Lane at Walby, in wall miles 60, 61 and 62.(イギリス)
  95. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between Birky Lane at Walby and the east side of the M6 in wall miles 62 and 63(イギリス)
  96. Brown Moor Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  97. Hadrian's Wall between the road to Garthside and The Centurion Inn, Walton, in wall miles 54 and 55(イギリス)
  98. The vallum between the road to Garthside and the track east of Castlesteads in wall miles 54, 55 and 56(イギリス)
  99. Hadrian's Wall between Eden Vale house and the Cam Beck in wall mile 56(イギリス)
  100. Castlesteads Roman fort and the vallum between the track to the east of Castlesteads fort and the Cam Beck in the west(イギリス)
  101. Hadrian's Wall between the Cam Beck and Newtown Farm in wall miles 56 and 57(イギリス)
  102. The vallum between the field boundary south east of Heads Wood and the A6071 road in wall mile 57(イギリス)
  103. Hadrian's Wall & vallum from A6071 to The Cottage in the case of the Wall, & to the road to Oldwall, for the vallum, in wall miles 57, 58 & 59(イギリス)
  104. Hadrian's Wall between the road to Laversdale at Oldwall and Baron's Dike in wall miles 59 and 60(イギリス)
  105. The vallum between the road to Laversdale at Oldwall and Baron's Dike in wall miles 59 and 60(イギリス)
  106. Carvoran Roman fort and Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the unclassified road to Old Shield & the field boundary west of the fort in wall miles 45 &(イギリス)
  107. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the field boundary west of Carvoran Roman fort and the west side of the B6318 road in wall mile 46(イギリス)
  108. Hadrian's Wall, vallum, section of the Stanegate Roman road and a Roman temporary camp between the B6318 road and Poltross Burn in wall miles 46 and 4(イギリス)
  109. Birdoswald Roman fort and the section of Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the River Irthing and the field boundaries east of milecastle 50(イギリス)
  110. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the field boundaries east of milecastle 50 and the boundary west of Coombe Crag in wall miles 50 and 51(イギリス)
  111. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the field boundary west of Coombe Crag and Banks Green Cottage and the road to Lanercost at Banks in wall miles 51 &(イギリス)
  112. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between Banks Green Cottage and the road to Lanercost at Banks and the road to Garthside in wall miles 52, 53 and 54(イギリス)
  113. Ravenglass Roman fort(イギリス)
  114. Beaumont motte castle and section of Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 70 including turret 70a(イギリス)
  115. Roman signal station on Mains Rigg(イギリス)
  116. Eight Roman inscriptions in the Roman quarry in Combcrag Wood, 350m south of Hadrian's Wall(イギリス)
  117. Written Rock of Gelt: Roman quarry inscriptions(イギリス)
  118. Boothby Roman fort(イギリス)
  119. Brampton Old Church Roman fort and the medieval Church of St Martin(イギリス)
  120. Hadrian's Wall vallum between the dismantled railway north of Knockupworth Cottage and the dismantled railway south of Boomby Gill in wall mile 67(イギリス)
  121. Hadrian's Wall vallum between the dismantled railway south of Boomby Gill and the field boundary south east of Mill Beck in wall mile 68(イギリス)
  122. Hadrian's Wall between Grinsdale and the field boundary south of the site of St Andrew's Church, Kirkandrews on Eden in wall miles 68 and 69(イギリス)
  123. Hadrian's Wall vallum between Mill Beck and the field boundary east of Kirkandrews Farm in wall mile 69(イギリス)
  124. Hadrian's Wall between the field boundary to the south of the site of St Andrew's Church and Eden Bank at Beaumont in wall miles 69 and 70(イギリス)
  125. Hadrian's Wall vallum between the dismantled railway west of Kirkandrews Farm & the dismantled railway south east of Burgh by Sands in wall miles 70 &(イギリス)
  126. Hadrian's Wall between Fulwood House at Burgh by Sands and Burgh Marsh in wall miles 72 and 73(イギリス)
  127. Drumburgh Roman fort and Hadrian's Wall between Burgh Marsh and Westfield House in wall miles 76 and 77(イギリス)
  128. Hadrian's Wall vallum between the watercourse 400m south east of Glasson and the access road to Glendale caravan park in wall miles 76 and 77(イギリス)
  129. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the access road to Glendale caravan park and the track south of Kirkland House in wall miles 77 and 78(イギリス)
  130. The Roman fort and associated civil settlement and a medieval tower house at Bowness on Solway at the west end of Hadrian's Wall in wall mile 80(イギリス)
  131. Silloth Golf Course tower 12a, 670m WNW of Blitterlees Farm, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  132. Silloth Golf Course tower 12b, 410m north west of Heatherbank, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  133. Rise How tower 25a, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast including remains of prehistoric burial mound and early medieval kil(イギリス)
  134. Dubmill Point milefortlet 17, 560m WNW of Hill House, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  135. Brownrigg milefortlet 22, 800m north east of the Cemetery Chapel, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  136. Wolsty North tower 13a, 500m south west of Wolsty Farm, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  137. Wolsty South tower 13b, 200m WNW of New House, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  138. Bank Mill tower 15a, 250m north west of Belmont House, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  139. Mawbray Sandpit tower 16b, 680m WSW of Hailforth, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  140. Swarthy Hill North tower 20b, 460m south west of Blue Dial, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  141. Brownrigg North tower 21b, 830m north west of Canonby Hall, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  142. Maryport Golf Course tower 22a, 350m north of the Cemetery Chapel, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  143. Vindolanda (Chesterholm) Roman forts, civil settlement and cemeteries, adjacent length of the Stanegate Roman road and two milestones(イギリス)
  144. Low Mire (milefortlet 20) 50m north of Heather Bank, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  145. Sea Brows (milefortlet 23), 500m south west of Bank End part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  146. Blitterlees (milefortlet 12), part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  147. Herd Hill North (tower 3b), 175m north east of the sheep wash, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  148. Pasture House (milefortlet 3), part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  149. Herd Hill (milefortlet 4) and associated parallel banks and ditches, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  150. Campfield (tower 2b) & associated parallel ditches & Roman road, 350m south west of Campfield Farm part of Roman frontier defences along Cumbrian coas(イギリス)
  151. Biglands House (milefortlet 1) and associated parallel ditches, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  152. Palisade ditches, part of Roman frontier defences along Cumbrian coast, Roman camp & road & part of Romano-British field system,250m north of Silloth(イギリス)
  153. Swarthy Hill milefortlet 21, 80m south of the Saltpans, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  154. Skinburness (milefortlet 9), part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast, and earlier Roman camp(イギリス)
  155. Maryport (Alavna) Roman fort, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast, its associated vicus and a length of Roman road(イギリス)
  156. Bewcastle Roman fort, high cross shaft in St Cuthbert's churchyard, and Bew Castle medieval shell keep castle(イギリス)
  157. Hadrian's Wall between Apple Garth, Westfield, and the dismantled railway in wall mile 77(イギリス)
  158. Hadrian's Wall between the dismantled railway and the access road to Glendale caravan park in wall mile 77(イギリス)
  159. Burnhead Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  160. Twice Brewed Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  161. Carrawburgh Roman fort & Hadrian's Wall & vallum between the field boundary east of the fort & the field boundary west of Coventina's Well in wall mil(イギリス)
  162. Hadrian's Wall and vallum and their associated features between Poltross Burn and the River Irthing in wall mile 48(イギリス)
  163. The Roman bath house to the north east of Castlesteads Roman fort in wall mile 56(イギリス)
  164. Hadrian's Wall between Port Carlisle and Bowness-on-Solway in wall miles 78 & 79(イギリス)
  165. Hadrian's Wall vallum between the track south of Kirkland House and Bowness-on-Solway in wall miles 78 & 79(イギリス)
  166. Cardurnock (tower 4b) and earlier ditch system and patrol road, part of the Roman frontier defences along the Cumbrian coast(イギリス)
  167. Hadrian's Wall north of Kirkland House, Port Carlisle in wall mile 78(イギリス)
  168. Knockcross Roman temporary camp at Grey Havens(イギリス)
  169. Rudchester Roman fort, associated civil settlement and a section of Hadrian's Wall and vallum from the A69 to the March Burn in wall mile 13(イギリス)
  170. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the B6321 and Sunnybrae at Halton Shields, in wall miles 18 and 19(イギリス)
  171. Hadrian's Wall between the track to Cockmount Hill and Walltown Quarry East in wall miles 43, 44 and 45(イギリス)
  172. Limestone Corner Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  173. Cawfields Roman temporary camp(イギリス)
  174. Hadrian's Wall between the M6 motorway and the property boundaries to the east of Houghton Road in wall mile 64(イギリス)
  175. Hadrian's Wall vallum between the M6 motorway and Drawdykes Castle in wall mile 64(イギリス)
  176. Hadrian's Wall vallum between Drawdykes Castle and Whiteclosegate in wall mile 64(イギリス)
  177. Hadrian's Wall between Houghton Road and Tarraby in wall mile 64(イギリス)
  178. Hadrian's Wall between Tarraby and Beech Grove, Knowefield in wall miles 64 and 65(イギリス)
  179. Hadrian's Wall vallum between the boundaries north of the properties on Whiteclosegate and the field boundary west of Wall Knowe in wall miles 64 and(イギリス)
  180. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the field boundary west of Wall Knowe and Scotland Road including the Roman fort at Stanwix in wall mile 65(イギリス)
  181. Roman quarry inscription on Queen's Crags, 680m south east of East Hotbank(イギリス)
  182. Stone circle, defended settlement, Romano-British farmstead & field system, Roman camp & group of shielings immediately south of Greenlee Lough(イギリス)
  183. Maiden Way Roman road from B6318 to 450m SW of High House, Gillalees Beacon signal station and Beacon Pasture early post-medieval dispersed settlement(イギリス)
  184. Hadrian's Wall vallum between West End, Burgh By Sands and the track to Dykesfield in wall miles 72 and 73(イギリス)
  185. Hadrian's Wall between the east end of Davidson's Banks & road to Grinsdale & vallum between Davidson's Banks & dismantled railway in wall miles 67 &(イギリス)
  186. Burgh by Sands Roman fort, Beaumont camp, Burgh Castle & Hadrian's Wall from boundary west of churchyard, Beaumont to Burgh Head in wall miles 70 and(イギリス)
  187. Hadrian's Wall vallum between east side of road at Burgh Head, & boundary south of Ash Tree Square, Burgh-by-Sands in wall miles 71 & 72(イギリス)
  188. Nether Denton Roman fort, associated vicus and length of Stanegate Roman road(イギリス)
  189. Defended settlement and Roman signal station 410m south of West Crindledikes(イギリス)
  190. Hadrian's Wall and vallum between St Oswald's Cottages, east of Brunton Gate and the North Tyne in wall miles 25, 26 and 27(イギリス)
  191. Housesteads fort, section of Wall & vallum between the field boundary west of milecastle 36 & the field boundary west of turret 37a in wall miles 36 &(イギリス)
  192. Kirkbride Roman fort, part of associated vicus and length of Roman road around, 370m south east of Whitrigg Bridge(イギリス)
  193. Roman fort, Anglo-Saxon cemetery, motte and bailey castle and tower keep castle(イギリス)
  194. Fortlet Rheinbohl(ドイツ)
  195. Watchtowers WP 1/1 to 1/2(ドイツ)
  196. Limessection between watchtowers WP 1/2 and 1/3(ドイツ)
  197. Watchtowers WP 1/3 to 1/10(ドイツ)
  198. Watchtowers WP 1/11 to 1/20 including the fortlet Am Forsthausweg(ドイツ)
  199. Watchtowers WP 1/21 to 1/22(ドイツ)
  200. Watchtowers WP 1/23 to 1/24(ドイツ)
  201. Watchtowers WP 1/24 to 1/26(ドイツ)
  202. Watchtowers WP 1/27 to 1/29(ドイツ)
  203. Watchtowers WP 1/30(ドイツ)
  204. Fort site and civil settlement of Heddesdorf(ドイツ)
  205. Fort site and civil settlement of Niederbieber(ドイツ)
  206. Limessection between watchtowzers WP 1/30 and 1/31(ドイツ)
  207. Watchtower WP 1/31(ドイツ)
  208. Watchtowers WP 1/32 to 1/34(ドイツ)
  209. Limessection between watchtowers WP/ 1/34 and 1/35(ドイツ)
  210. Watchtowers WP 1/35 and 1/35a(ドイツ)
  211. Watchtowers WP 1/36*(ドイツ)
  212. Watchtowers WP 1/37 to 1/38(ドイツ)
  213. Watchtower WP 1/39(ドイツ)
  214. Limessection between watchtowers WP 1/39 and 1/40(ドイツ)
  215. Watchtowers WP 1/41 to 1/50 including the fortlet Anhausen(ドイツ)
  216. Watchtower WP 1/51(ドイツ)
  217. Watchtower WP 1/52(ドイツ)
  218. Watchtowers WP 1/53 to 1/57(ドイツ)
  219. Watchtowers WP 1/58 to 1/59(ドイツ)
  220. Watchtower WP 1/60(ドイツ)
  221. Limessection between watchtowers WP 1/60 and 1/61(ドイツ)
  222. Watchtower WP 1/61(ドイツ)
  223. Watchtower WP 1/62(ドイツ)
  224. Fortlet Ferbach(ドイツ)
  225. Watchtower WP 1/64(ドイツ)
  226. Watchtower WP 1/65(ドイツ)
  227. Watchtowers WP 1/67 to 1/66(ドイツ)
  228. Limessection between watchtowers WP 1/67 and 1/69(ドイツ)
  229. Watchtowers WP 1/69 to 1/72 including the fortlet Hillscheid(ドイツ)
  230. Watchtower WP 1/73(ドイツ)
  231. Watchtowers WP 1/74 to 1/76(ドイツ)
  232. Watchtower WP 1/77(ドイツ)
  233. Watchtowers WP 1/78 to 1/81(ドイツ)
  234. Limessection north of Arzbach(ドイツ)
  235. Fort site and civil settlement of Arzbach(ドイツ)
  236. Watchtower WP 1/84(ドイツ)
  237. Watchtowers WP 1/83 to 1/86(ドイツ)
  238. Fort site and civil settlement of Niederberg(ドイツ)
  239. Watchtower WP 1/87(ドイツ)
  240. Limessection between watchtower WP 1/87 and 1/88(ドイツ)
  241. Watchtower WP 1/88(ドイツ)
  242. Limessection between watchtowers WP 1/88 and 1/89(ドイツ)
  243. Watchtowers WP 1/89 to 1/92(ドイツ)
  244. Watchtower WP 1/93(ドイツ)
  245. Fort site and civil settlement of Bad Ems northern part(ドイツ)
  246. Limessection between watchtowers WP 1/93 and 2/13 including fort site and civil settlement of Bad Ems southern part(ドイツ)
  247. Watchtower WP 2/1 including fortlet Bad Ems Auf der Schanz(ドイツ)
  248. Watchtowers WP 2/2 to 2/4(ドイツ)
  249. Watchtowers WP 2/5 to 2/6(ドイツ)
  250. Watchtowers WP 2/7 and 2/13 including fortlet Becheln(ドイツ)
  251. Limessection between watchtowers WP 2/13 and 2/14(ドイツ)
  252. Watchtowers WP 2/14 to 2/16(ドイツ)
  253. Fort site and civil settlement of Marienfels(ドイツ)
  254. Watchtowers WP 2/17 to 2/19 including fort and civil settlement of Hunzel(ドイツ)
  255. Watchtowers WP 2/20 to 2/22(ドイツ)
  256. Watchtowers WP WP 2/23 to 2/26 including fortlet Pohl(ドイツ)
  257. Fortlet of Pfarrhofen(ドイツ)
  258. Watchtoers WP 2/26 to 2/30(ドイツ)
  259. Watchtower WP 2/31(ドイツ)
  260. Fortsite of Holzhausen and civil settlement western part including watchtowers WP 2/31a to 2/34(ドイツ)
  261. Watchtowers WP 2/35 to 2/48 including the fortlet Dörstenberg and the civil settlement of Holzhausen eastern part(ドイツ)
  262. Fortlets and site of the fort and civil settlement of Kemel(ドイツ)
  263. Watchtowers WP 2/50 to 2/55 including Justinius Rock(ドイツ)
  264. Fortlet Adolfseck(ドイツ)
  265. Watchtower WP 3/4*(ドイツ)
  266. Watchtower SP 3/5*(ドイツ)
  267. Watchtower WP 3/1 to 3/14 including the civil settlement of Zugmantel western part(ドイツ)
  268. Watchtowers WP 3/15 to 3/19 including the fort site of Zugmantel and civil settlement eastern part(ドイツ)
  269. Watchtower WP 3/19* to 3/21*(ドイツ)
  270. Watchtowers WP 3/20 to 3/22(ドイツ)
  271. Watchtower WP 3/23*(ドイツ)
  272. Watchtowers WP 3/23(ドイツ)
  273. Watchtower WP 3/38*(ドイツ)
  274. Watchtowers WP 3/24 to 3/40Watchtowers WP 3/24 to 3/40 including the fortlet Maisel, fort and civil settlement Alteburg-Heftrich, fortlet Eichelgarten(ドイツ)
  275. Watchtower WP 3/42*(ドイツ)
  276. Watchtowers WP 3/41 to 3/44(ドイツ)
  277. Watchtower WP 3/49*(ドイツ)
  278. Watchtowers WP 3/45 to 3/52 including the fort site and civil settlement of Feldberg(ドイツ)
  279. Building remains southwest of Saalburg(ドイツ)
  280. Fort site and civil settlement of Saalburg west of B 456 including watchtowers WP 3/56, 3/66, fortlets Heidenstock and Altes Jagdhaus(ドイツ)
  281. Civil settlement of Saalburg east of B 456 including watchtowers WP 3/67 to 3/69(ドイツ)
  282. Fortlet Lochmühle(ドイツ)
  283. Fort site and civil settlement of Friedberg(ドイツ)
  284. Watchtower WP 4/17*(ドイツ)
  285. Fortlet Eichkopf(ドイツ)
  286. Watchtowers WP 4/1 to 4/19a including fortlets Kaisergrube, Ockstadter Wald, Kapersburg, Rittergraber(ドイツ)
  287. Signaltower Johannisberg(ドイツ)
  288. Fort site and civil settlement of Langenhain(ドイツ)
  289. Fort Schrenzer(ドイツ)
  290. Fort site and civil settlement of Butzbach western part(ドイツ)
  291. Fort site and civil settlement of Butzbach eastern part(ドイツ)
  292. Civil settlement of Butzbach(ドイツ)
  293. Watchtowers WP 4/20 to 4/36 including the fortlets Hunnenkirchhof 1 and Hunnenkirchhof 2(ドイツ)
  294. Limessection between WP 4/36 and 4/37(ドイツ)
  295. Watchtower WP 4/37*(ドイツ)
  296. Limessection between WP 4/37 and 4/39(ドイツ)
  297. Watchtower WP 4/39*(ドイツ)
  298. Fortlet Dicker Wald 1(ドイツ)
  299. Watchtowers WP 4/40 to 4/44 including the fortlet Dicker Wald 2(ドイツ)
  300. Watchtowers WP 4/45 to 4/52 including the fortlets Hainhaus and Holzheimer Unterwald(ドイツ)
  301. Watchtowers WP 4/53 to 4/57(ドイツ)
  302. Fort site and civil settlement of Arnsburg(ドイツ)
  303. Watchtowers WP 4/59 to 4/71 including the fortlets Feldheimer Wald and Langsdorf(ドイツ)
  304. Watchtowers WP 4/72 to 4/73(ドイツ)
  305. Fort site of Hungen-Inheiden(ドイツ)
  306. Fortlet Wingertsberg(ドイツ)
  307. Signaltower Wölferheimer Wald(ドイツ)
  308. Watchtowers WP 4/76 to 4/80 including the fortlets Unterwiddersheim and Masohi(ドイツ)
  309. Watchtower WP 4/81(ドイツ)
  310. Limessection between WP 4/81 and 4/82(ドイツ)
  311. Fortsite and civil settlement of Echzell(ドイツ)
  312. Fortsite and civil settlement of Ober-Florstadt(ドイツ)
  313. Fort site and civil settlement of Marköbel(ドイツ)
  314. Watchtowers WP 4/82 to 5/8 including fortlets Langendiebach, Buchkopf, Stammheim, Staden, Lochberg, Haselheck, Altenstadt(ドイツ)
  315. Fort site and civil settlement of Rückingen, western part(ドイツ)
  316. Fort site and civil settlement of Rückingen central part(ドイツ)
  317. Fort site and civil settlement of Rückingen eastern part(ドイツ)
  318. Watchtowers WP 5/9 to 5/10(ドイツ)
  319. Watchtowers WP 5/11 to 5/12(ドイツ)
  320. Watchtowers WP 5/13 to 5/14 including the fortlet Neuwirtshaus(ドイツ)
  321. Watchtowers WP 5/15 to 5/16(ドイツ)
  322. Fort site and civil settlement of Grosskrotzenburg(ドイツ)
  323. Fort site and civil settlement of Seligenstadt(ドイツ)
  324. Civil settlement of Niedernberg northern part(ドイツ)
  325. Fort site and civil settlement of Niedernberg(ドイツ)
  326. Fort site and civil settlement of Obernburg(ドイツ)
  327. Fort site and civil settlement of Wörth(ドイツ)
  328. Fort site and civil settlement of Trennfurt(ドイツ)
  329. Fort site and civil settlement of Miltenberg-Altstadt western part(ドイツ)
  330. Fort site and civil settlement of Miltenberg-Altstadt southern part(ドイツ)
  331. Fort site and civil settlement of Miltenberg-Altstadt north-eastern part(ドイツ)
  332. Watchtowers WP 7/1 to 7/36 including fortlets Haselburg,Buergstadt and fort site and civil settlement of Miltenberg-Ost(ドイツ)
  333. Watchtower WP 7/37(ドイツ)
  334. Fort site and civil settlement of Walldürn(ドイツ)
  335. Fort Altheimer Strasse(ドイツ)
  336. Fortlet Holderbusch(ドイツ)
  337. Watchtowers WP 7/38 to 8/10 including fortlet Rehberg(ドイツ)
  338. Building remains north of Götzingen(ドイツ)
  339. Building remains south of Götzingen(ドイツ)
  340. Watchtowers WP 8/11 to 8/28 including fortlet Hintere Kalbe(ドイツ)
  341. Fort site and civil settlement of Osterburken(ドイツ)
  342. Watchtowers WP 8/29 to 8/30(ドイツ)
  343. Watchtowers WP 8/31 to 8/41(ドイツ)
  344. Fortlet Lehnenwiesen(ドイツ)
  345. Watchtowers WP 8/44 to 9/2(ドイツ)
  346. Fort site and civil settlement of Jagsthausen western part(ドイツ)
  347. Fort site and civil settlement of Jagsthausen south-western part(ドイツ)
  348. Fort site and civil settlement of Jagsthausen northern and eastern part(ドイツ)
  349. Fort site and civil settlement of Jagsthausen central and eastern part(ドイツ)
  350. Fort site and civil settlement of Jagsthausen eastern part(ドイツ)
  351. Fort site and civil settlement of Jagsthausen(ドイツ)
  352. Watchtowers WP 9/2* to 9/13(ドイツ)
  353. Watchtowers WP 9/14 to 9/32 including the fort site of Westernbach(ドイツ)
  354. Watchtowers WP 9/33 to 9/35(ドイツ)
  355. Watchtowers WP 9/36 to 9/68(ドイツ)
  356. Building remains south of the watchtower WP 9/67(ドイツ)
  357. Fort site and civil settlement of Mainhardt(ドイツ)
  358. Fortlet Mainhardt-Herrenwiesen(ドイツ)
  359. Limessection between watchtowers WP 9/68 and 9/70(ドイツ)
  360. Murrhardt civil settlement northern part(ドイツ)
  361. Fort site and civil settlement of Murrhardt(ドイツ)
  362. Watchtowers WP 9/70 to 9/99a including the fortlet Hankertsmühle(ドイツ)
  363. Watchtowers WP 9/100(ドイツ)
  364. Watchtowers WP 9/101 to 9/131 including the fortlets of Rötelsee and Ebnisee(ドイツ)
  365. Fort site and civil settlement of Welheim-West(ドイツ)
  366. Welzheim-Ost civil settlement northern part(ドイツ)
  367. Fort site and civil settlement of Welzheim-Ost(ドイツ)
  368. Fort site and civil settlement of Lorsch(ドイツ)
  369. Fortlet of Freimühle(ドイツ)
  370. Fort site and civil settlement of Schirenhof(ドイツ)
  371. Watchtowers WP 9/132 to 12/38 including fortlet Klein-Deinbach(ドイツ)
  372. Watchtowers WP 12/39(ドイツ)
  373. Fort site and civil settlement of Unterböbingen(ドイツ)
  374. Fort site and civil settlement of Aalen(ドイツ)
  375. Watchtowers WP 12/40 to 12/59(ドイツ)
  376. Watchtowers WP 12/60 to 12/68(ドイツ)
  377. Fort site and civil settlement of Reinau-Buch(ドイツ)
  378. Watchtowers WP 12/69 to 12/85(ドイツ)
  379. Building remains of south of Pfahlheim(ドイツ)
  380. Watchtowers WP 12/86 to 13/5 including fort site and civil settlement of Halheim(ドイツ)
  381. Limessection between Watchtowers WP 13/5 and 13/6(ドイツ)
  382. Watchtowers WP 13/6 to 13/12(ドイツ)
  383. Fort site and civil settlement of Ruffenhofen(ドイツ)
  384. Watchtowers WP 13/13 to 13/15(ドイツ)
  385. Watchtowers WP 13/16 to 13/36 including fort site and civil setllement of Dambach(ドイツ)
  386. Fort site and civil settlement of Unterschwaningen(ドイツ)
  387. Watchtowers WP 13/37 to 13/40(ドイツ)
  388. Watchtowers WP 13/40(ドイツ)
  389. Watchtower WP 13/40(ドイツ)
  390. Limessection between watchtowers WP 13/40 and 13/41(ドイツ)
  391. Limessection between watchtowers WP 13/40 and 13/41(ドイツ)
  392. Watchtowers WP 13/41 to 13/45(ドイツ)
  393. Fort site and civil settlement of Gnotzheim(ドイツ)
  394. Watchtowers WP 13/46 to 13/49(ドイツ)
  395. Watchtower WP 13/50(ドイツ)
  396. Watchtowers WP 13/51 to 13/53(ドイツ)
  397. Watchtower WP 13/54(ドイツ)
  398. fort site and civil settlement of Theilenhofen(ドイツ)
  399. Watchtowers WP 14/1 to 14/27 including the fortlets of Gündersbach and Hinterer Schlossberg(ドイツ)
  400. Watchtower WP 14/28(ドイツ)
  401. Fort site and civil settlement of Ellingen north of Road 2389(ドイツ)
  402. Fort site and civil settlement of Ellingen south of Road 2389(ドイツ)
  403. Fort site and civil settlement of Weissenburg eastern part(ドイツ)
  404. Fort site and civil setllement of Weissenburg eastern part(ドイツ)
  405. Fort site of Oberhochstatt(ドイツ)
  406. Fort site of Burgsalach(ドイツ)
  407. Watchtowers WP 14/29 to 14/62 including fortlets Kaldorf and Raitenbuch(ドイツ)
  408. Fort site and civil settlement of Pfünz(ドイツ)
  409. Fort site and civil settlement of Boehming(ドイツ)
  410. Watchtowers WP 14/63 to 14/78 including fortlets Hegelohe and Biebig(ドイツ)
  411. Watchtowers WP 15/1 to 15/7(ドイツ)
  412. Watchtowers WP 15/8 to 15/10(ドイツ)
  413. Fort site and civil settlement of Kösching(ドイツ)
  414. Watchtowers WP 15/11 to 15/26 and fortlets Hinterer Seegraben and Güssgraben(ドイツ)



















